E3 Fitness is a Private and Semi-Private Personal Training facility located in Lavenham, Suffolk.

We have endeavoured to create a welcoming, non-judgemental space for people to reach their potential & learn how to sustain their achievements moving forwards.

Our training methods are client focused and the way we tailor our approach is centred around you, your goals, your architecture & structure, your tolerances, your mindset and your lifestyle.

Everyone is unique, and when it comes to fitness & nutrition there is no ‘one size fits all’. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for the next. We don’t believe in making you fit into an exercise, we believe in making the right exercise work for you. It’s the same when it comes to diet. We strive to find nutritional solutions that are sustainable for YOU!

We are big on sustainability here. When prescribing exercises there is a big focus on joint integrity & longevity. We don’t just want you to be fit, strong & healthy for now, we want it for life!

Using our experience in the industry and knowledge around anatomy & exercise mechanics, each piece of equipment has been specially selected and our Personal Training Studio has been designed to give clients the most optimal platform to achieve their goals.

We feel that we have created the perfect environment for our clients to excel!

Want to work with us?

Click below to see our services & fill out an application form.


Have you made attempts to get in shape before but failed to see results?

Do you currently go to the gym but struggle to know what you should be doing & what will work for you?

Are you confused by the endless conflicting advice online & on social media?

Do you lack motivation and feel like you need some guidance, support, & accountability?

Do you want to achieve results in the most optimal way & learn how to sustain them into the future?

If the answer to any of those questions is ‘yes’, then personal training could be life changing for you!

What our clients say.

Click below to hear what our past & present clients have to say about us and the incredible achievements they have made!

Why we love what we do…

We understand the road to your health and fitness goals can be a rough one, and it can often be hard to find your way. Life can be busy, with a family and a business we know that feeling! There are so many different people out there claiming their plans for fat loss, muscle building, whatever your goal may be, to be the best. It can be hard to filter through the myths & marketing to find what really works.

We love this industry because using science backed methods of practice we can make a huge impact to peoples lives. By simplifying things and explaining to clients the principles behind the systems it gives them the power to take control of their own health & fitness journey. Being able to help people in this way give us an enormous sense of job satisfaction.

“I overall feel so much more energy throughout the day and feel I am so much more knowledgable in relation to the food that I should be consuming, the portion sizes and the amount of calories per day... all thanks to E3 Fitness!”

— Katy Leahy.


Why E3 Fitness?

We chose the name E3 FITNESS as there a 3 words that stand out to us, 3 words that are at the heart of how we try to work with clients on their journey to achieving their goals.

They are words that perfectly lay out the process we go through. We EDUCATE clients with the knowledge they need to achieve their goals. We EMPOWER them to succeed and reach their potential (often potential they never thought possible) and we help them to EXCEL beyond their self imposed limitations.

That is why we are E3 FITNESS.

I joined E3 Fitness to strengthen my lower back after years of chronic back pain. I also wanted to loose some weight. Since starting I’ve been able to still eat all the foods and drink I like but continue on a weekly basis to loose weight. I have now lost 10kg (over 1.5 stone!). The actual studio is brilliant and the workouts are so tailored to what I need. I genuinely look forward to going to the sessions and I haven’t been to see my chiropractor in months. I can not recommend this lovely husband and wife run business enough, so professional and knowledgable, simply brilliant!
— James Lee

“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.”

— Abraham Maslow.